Early oil field workers in the 1940s working the famous Leduc oil field in Alberta.
This piece "Drilling for the Big Payday" is a Pen and Ink composition using a technique called Stippling or Pointillism. It measures 10 inches by 10 inches.
A few miles east of Edmonton this old farm building and wooden grain bins has been painted by many artists including myself. Based on a picture I took a few years ago the building looks pretty good, however in reality it is beginning to collapse and will probably not survive another winter.
Flying high wide and handsome, these five are heading for some farmers field to feed on grain. They have to prepare themselves for the thousands of miles they will travel into the southern states of the U.S.
Even when it's 40 or 50 below there is always the promise of a warmer season when the sun arrives.
In the high Arctic North during the long winter months the sun does not appear, only darkness 24 hours a day. But when the sun does rise above the horizon, everyone knows that warm days are close at hand.
You never know how a picture will look until it's finished. My advice when painting a difficult painting is to finish it. It may end up better than you thought. You can always do it again.